Part of a range that’s always interesting but rarely cheap, the 1960s archive button-down shirt by Levi’s Vintage Clothing is now available.
If you are not familiar with the Levi’s Vintage Clothing range, it’s basically reissues based on items in the Levi’s archive or items inspired by pieces in the Levi’s collection. You might recall the 1960s knitted shirt from last year.
All eras, often interesting, but this is a premium range from Levi’s and as such, it isn’t a cheap option.
As you might have guessed, this is a 1960s archive design, although I’m not sure just how much of a replica it is, specifically when it comes to the cut of the shirt. Archive pieces tend to have authenticity as a key selling point, so you would presume sizing (described as ‘regular’) is right, but check the size guide on the retailer’s site for confirmation.
This particular reissue is constructed from a lightweight Italian fabric with that bold stripe, a fairly substantial (in terms of height) button-down collar (which seems right for the era) red buttons and two chest pockets.
As I hinted above, you do have to pay big for this, with the price at £150. Sizes are between small and extra large.
Find out more at the Stuarts of London website
Via His Knibs