Just read our Modern-day Mod shirtmakers article and you’ll find our suggestions for a top five, covering different styles and different budgets.
Where can I buy a 60s-style or Tootal scarf?
If you want the easy way to buy a Tootal scarf, you can pick one up just about anywhere online, with retailers like Saturday Casuals and ASOS being just two of the numerous retailers stocking them.
I want to have a suit made – can you offer any advice?
The first thing to say is to think carefully about the tailor you choose. First, find a good tailor in your area (check the site for that), then get a price for a suit, either including the material or without. Then before you commit yourself to a suit, make sure […]
Can you assist or do my research for a college project or dissertation?
We are often asked to assist with college projects and we always answer the same – we already do.
Can you recommend somewhere to buy a mod or 60s-style dress?
We’ve been meaning to do a top five mod dressmakers article for some time, indeed it’s hovering around the top of our ‘to do’ list right now. In the meantime, here are a couple of suggestions for you.
Is there any video footage of the original Mods online?
Yes there is, but not much of it. At least, not in terms of quality.
How much material do I need for a tailor-made suit?
How much material do I need for a tailor-made suit? There is a very short answer to that question. An obvious one in fact.
How do I get my club or event listed on Modculture?
Just send it to us – it really is that simple. Well, almost.