On the face of it, The Leather Boys is about bikers. But it could have been about mods, rockers, teds or any youth cult of the age – because that’s just background. The Leather Boys is actually a movie about relationships.
Billion Dollar Brain (1967)
Michael Caine back as Harry Palmer in Billion Dollar Brain, now a private detective, stumbling into a plot to change the Soviet Union through a ‘super’ computer.
Funeral in Berlin (1966)
Michael Caine returns as Harry Palmer in Funeral in Berlin, dealing with a Russian KGB defection from East to West Berlin.
The Ipcress File (1965)
Michael Caine stars as subordinate British agent Harry Palmer in The Ipcress File, the first of the three films he made in the role between 1965 and 1967.
Villain (1971)
While most of the cult British gangster flicks have been remade, reissued and generally run into the ground, one prime example has been left gathering dust in the archives – Villain. Strange, because, despite a couple of obvious flaws, this is up there with any of them.
Billy Liar (1964)
John Schlesinger’s big screen version of Billy Liar marks a turning point in British film making.
Beat Girl (1960)
A film that’s not exactly dated well, but there’s still much to enjoy with Beat Girl.
Quadrophenia (1979)
It’s incredibly difficult to review Quadrophenia as a movie in the modern era. Many of us have been brought up with it, been inspired by it and ultimately distanced ourselves from its movie simplistic view of what ‘Mod’ is. But try to take away any pre-conceptions you may have and […]