Ok, we’re going to try and bring back the What Are You Wearing thread, but without the forum – all you need to do is post up an image of yourself with a few words in the comments section.
Kicking things off is a stalwart of the thread, the ever-dapper Claudio if the DNA Groove store. According to Claudio, this is what he was wearing the other day, clothing he describes as ‘a bit left of field’ with a two-button bum freezer jacket with wide lapels, light trousers and a pair of basket weaves.
Feel free to comment on Claudio’s gear (but remembering nastiness isn’t tolerated). If you want to post up an image of yourself, do it via the comments below. Just post up a picture and some words, the image will appear as a thumbnail, but will appear full-size if you click on it.
It doesn’t matter what you are wearing or how much you’ve spent. Just feet involved and show the mod world what you’re kitted out in today.
A brief description of what you this person is wearing.
Commenting on this photo too, but without a photo.
Really like the lapels on the jacket Claudio.
Great to see this thread back!
Excellent! A very welcome return!
Always loved this thread. Trying to post a pic but my macs not having it? Any suggestions?
This is the part of the Modculture Site that I always head for, love seeing other peoples ideas and how they put outfits together, just need to work out how to put my pics on now
Does the + image link in the box not work for Mac gents?
Ooo, liking the snugprofile of the shoes. Are they kangaroo leather?
calf skin I would think
Brilliant! Nice to have it back. Lovely shoes Claudio.
at last! something to do at work,
great look, love those shoes!
Nice to have the honour to kick this off again. Shoes are made by Franchini and bought in London some 8 years ago. As you can see the wide brade makes them delicate (some brades tend to loosen up) . Nice detail is that the brade is cut on the diagonal so that the patterns are ‘diamonds’ rather than a sqaure pattern (this means more leather is used = more expensive).
Excellent look (as always) Claudio!
A big welcome back to the WAYW thread from someone far too nervous (& nowhere near well-dressed enough) to post
True modernist – mixing it up a bit, but staying sharp. Really digging this 20’s meets 60’s look often do similar myself.
Very nice indeed, wouldn’t suit me but works very well!
Lovely Claudio
Loving those shoes bro.. Looking sharp!
Loving the shoes bro! Mendoza @ brick lane had a similar pair! Can feel spring coming at last!
shoes need a polish Claudio
Cool as ever Claudio and a welcome return indeed.
Love that look!
Looking good as always Claudio. Some empty retail units in my town if u fancy setting up shop in uk!!!!!!!!!
Click on text box, add your text, then click the +image – that should show a thumbnail.
Then post and your image should appear, once it has been approved (there’s a safety block for obvious reasons when it comes to posting images).
Once approved, your image should appear. I’m doing this on a Mac, so no problem there. Might be a problem if you are not signed in to the comments system if you are posting images though.
Excuse the bad quality pictures, but gives an idea: chinos, suede brogue boots, sky OCDB, blue cord trucker jacket.
tan brogues, blue argyle socks, blue slacks, blue argyle jumper, mustard OCBD.
C’mon lets get this up and running
Nice claudio, love the shoes.
We got a new start at work, only 18, so I had to talk to him about what I do. But he was wearing a button down without the buttons being buttoned down. I managed to hold out for about 15 minutes before I asked him to do his buttons, is that so wrong of me??? how many other people have have that urge when they see button down collars flapping in the breeze?????
every day…….its a curse, its like trying not to look at a mole on someones face while talking to them….:-)
Chisel Toe Shoes
Navy Wool Trews
RL Tailored Range Check Shirt
Silk Knit Tie
3 Button Wool jacket
Navy Paisley Silk PS
Lovely Kevin, texture, colour, patterns … all of it. What make are those lovely shoes?
Thanks C, shoes are Kurt Geiger.
sharp as always Vess!
Sartorially splendid as always Claudio, cracking shoes! Welcome return of WAYW
Uniqlo Cardigan
Ben Sherman Candy Stripe Shirt
Levis 513 Slim Jeans
Via Spiga Desert Boots
Nice Shirt KK
Thanks, sir
indeed, lovelt shirt
Much obliged, Claudio
Uniqlo Navy Cardigan
Levis 513 Slim Straight Jeans
Ben Sherman Candy Stripe Shirt
Via Spiga Desert Boots
Black royals, red socks, grey prince of wales trousers. Fred perry, rayban tortoise shell glasses.
Cor, been a while since any of this on here…
Common People snuff chukka / Levis 511 / Gant stripe ocbd popover / Universal works fair isle vest / barbour Int on the scoot.
If anyone can explain the reason the pics have rotated, that would be cool!!!
very cool shirt and and cardi combination Tom! like the color of the boots too!
Nice, I fancy the red and white deckchair stripe gant s/s popover, birthday next weekend, might be a personal gift.
That red and white stripe popover is a very well made shirt… I highly recommend that you get it while you can… I compared mine with a vintage Gant popover and it is a perfect repro … it also has a bit of a beach boys vibe, which I love… perfect for summer…may have to get me a second one as a backup…
Looking good, odd not seeing it in a lift 😉
Nice trews Brian…doubley nice….
Thank you sir! I pretty pleased on how they turned out.
Not today but Friday night…
Madras SSBD shirt.
Linen patch pocket blazer.
Tan leather weave belt.
Albam slim fits.
Minnetonka Moccasins.
lovely jacket and over all outfit
Why, thank you very much Claudio.
Madras Shirt/Jeans (unseen) – Uniqlo
Glasses – Ray-Ban
Casual and cliche’, but I am ok with it. Blue/black/white gingham short sleeve Ben Sherman, Levi’s 501 in a dark indigo, dark brown dessert boots, brown leather belt with full buckle.
A cold workday…
White t-shirt.
Light grey Sweatshirt.
Dark blue 507 boot-cuts.
Tan leather belt.
Chestnut, leather Clarks Desert Trek.
Navy and light blue, mid and light grey vertical stripe socks.
Tan 70s style leather jacket.
Brown/green/orange, eight piece tweed flat cap.
Red and blue paisley Tootal.
You be the judge.
White button down shirt with various shades pink madras large checks
Light cream Chinos
Mid blue Levi denim jacket
Loake Tweed 2 tan brogues
Tan belt with brass roller buckle
Brown and straw colour socks
From the top down…
Persol Shades 2961
– Not pictured as I didn’t want my face to ruin the overall look
Relco Mini Polka Dot BD Navy Blue Shirt – Surprisingly a really nice shirt for 20 odd quid Jump The Gun Sky Blue Sta Prest Trousers- Got them taken up a tad as they were just a bit too longNo socks!Bass Weejuns Bass Lewis Dark Brown Suede Loafers
Nice oufit. Those sta-prest look the biz!
Before the rain came…
Levis Orange Tab
DNA Groove long sleeve
Brown leather belt
Crombie socks
Can’t remember the make of the D-boots
Persol 2720s
Side parting
love the jacket – where did you get it? Is it cord?
Thanks! Yes it is cord. I bought it a few years ago from the Levis website.
Today wore blue uniqlo selvedge jeans,
vintage Duffer of St George beige and white gingham ssbd bought circa 1990ish
brown leather belt
chocolate colored suede Chukka boot.
Aertex knitted monkey jacket
Patrick Cox sunglasses.
Nice outfits Jackcharlton, love the Levis Orange Tab.
Yes still looks great though thanks for the info. Yes had a couple changed on the cuffs but nothing major.
Had it altered numerous times until it finally fit how I wanted.
Levis truckers can be the oddest fitting garments.
Hallo! No photo for me today… Neither here nor on “Talk Ivy” 🙂 – just stepping in here, always wanted to register on Modculture, and when I really did it was impossible – shortly before the Fora crashed. That was over a year ago, back then I’ve been more “Mod” than today, as the Ivy League influence is growing and growing. Still far away from being 100% “Ivy”, still sporting a bit of “Mod”. Guess I’m having more of a crossover look between Italian style, Brit style, fashion, Mod and Ivy League with the main focus on Ivy… if that makes sense.
Today’s effort:
grey shorts
navy Lambretta “Target” T-shirt
woven striped belt navy/white/red-/white/navy
light blue chambray Espadrilles (can’t wait to get my Rivieras Leisure shoes in navy)
tortoise 60s style Ray Bans (dunno the model, rather confusing today, not like in the old days when there were just Wayfarers, Aviators, Outdoorsman etc.)
straw Trilby hat “Stetson Linton” against sun c’ause of beginning baldness
awfully hot in Vienna, almost southern
Black shoes, Black Lycra shorts and the same yellow jersey Ive had for days! Bradley W.
only joking, but aint Bradley Wiggins absolutely fantastic in the Tour de France?
black Baracuta loafers
POW check trousers
red smedley v neck
Black equestrian jacket for the scooter commute
black brogues
yellow socks
grey mohair trousers
pale blue OCBD
dog tooth 3button jacket
openface helment
Sounds great Mark.
Black brogues, red socks, Itailor candy stripe shirt, black Smedley crew neck jumper, black equestrian jacket and open face helmet, possibly for the last time of the year!
Red Gingham Shirt
Brown French made three button jacket,
Uniqlo chinos,
Dessert boots ( brand unknown)…
Feeling under the weather today, so limited effort today;
Brooks Brothers button down with blue, yellow, and sky blue check
Fred Perry wine v-neck sweater
Levis 501 ina dark indigo
Clarks dark brown dessies
Brown belt with full buckle…
So … what forum did most people go to after the modculture one ? filmnoirbuff? modrevival?
Where has everyone gone?
I quite miss this one. Here it goes. Sky blue DNA Groove with white stripes and brown dotted stripes. Brown Fred Perry v-neck jumper, beige chinos, brown braided belt, brown leather DBs.
I miss it too, clark’s mink dessies, Uniplo Japanese demins, dark blue Argyll jumper, light blue OCBD, it just a dull, wet Friday in the office
today its cherry red DMs, thermal socks, levi’s, thermal vest, OCBD, lambswool jumper, college scarf and a big cosy coat, its bloody freezing and snowing outside!
Little bit of time on my hands to headed off to meet a few friends for lunch and have a few drinks..
Lilac and white gingham DNA shirt
Blue crew neck sweater
Dark indigo Levi’s 501’s
Dark blue socks with lilac pin dots
Dark and light blue suede bowling shoes.
Dark blue slim fit jeans/Chelsea Boots/Dark Levis Jeansjacket and navy Fred Perry Polo
wearing this , a Charle caine oxford cotton https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/048852090d0f27e79b2cb6485d78db2737cc07e50b3630a967013644442d20d1.jpg
plus this raincoat best of british, hand made suit carneggia https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/bf7c83a18a50c935e85898318bc0fc0e1601bb51495401b9ce8ea06ad72fa914.jpg