
Fred Perry summer sale kicks off

Fred Perry summer sale
Fred Perry summer sale
Note that I independently write and research everything in this article. But it may contain affiliate links.

As the headline says, the Fred Perry summer sale is now underway, should you want to spend less on some summer FP clobber.

Pretty much everything is marked down for men and women, to greater or lesser extent. Polo shirts, for example, are all marked down, but only to £45 (which is less, but not exactly giving them away).

You’ll have to dig deeper for the bigger markdowns.The Laurel Wreath Harrington for example (pictured above), is down from £195 to £97.50. or you could opt for the Bonded Raincoat below, which is £137.50, down from an original £275.

Anyway, browse the site to see what you can find. Stock almost certainly limited.

Fred Perry sale online

Fred Perry summer sale
Fred Perry summer sale
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One Comment

  1. Tony Hayes

    Fred Perry will “never” go out of fashion.

    It is a “classic” look – you can be  60 / 70  years of age and still look good.

    Still a Mod at heart .

    Most of my friends in their 50’s “retain” the Mod look  – Fred Perry Polo , Harrington .

    Tony of Birmingham age 53

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