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Full Moon – Douglas Butler’s Keith Moon story to be reissued

Full Moon by Douglas Butler
Full Moon by Douglas Butler
Note that I independently write and research everything in this article. But it may contain affiliate links.

Big thanks to MonkeyPicks for flagging up the reissue of a minor gem, Full Moon by Douglas Butler.

Details are scarce about this reissue, although details of the book, as it’s been out before (1981), are fairly obvious.

It’s the story of one man. Actually no, it’s the story of two men – The Who’s Keith Moon and his sidekick from the late 60s onwards, Douglas Butler (aka Dougal).

At first Moon’s roadie, he became Moon’s personal assistant, chauffeur and (to use a modern term) ‘wingman’ during a 10-year period, sharing in the mayhem and rock ‘n’ roll excess. This book is the story of that journey.

The reissue has its own mini website and has quite an interesting story itself, with a literary agent tracking down the previous publisher, untangling the rights connected to it and finally, getting permission to reassure via Faber Finds.

That reissue is down for an undisclosed date in 2012 as both a book and a talking book (read by Keith’s friend Karl Howman). However, Amazon has it listed as being out (the book that is) on 21st June 2012. You can pre-order now for £12.

Find out more at the Amazon website

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