Whilst doing some late night switching around the dial (well, the modern-day equivalent), I caught the back end of Eyewitness to History – Vicki Wickham’s 60s. I then caught the full thing on catch-up. You should too.
First broadcast at the start of the year, it is described as a ‘first-hand account’ from Vicki Wickham, who edited the TV show Ready Steady Go! (and later went on to manage acts). The stuff about Ready Steady Go! takes up the bulk of the show and is a pretty interesting account from one of the people behind it.
There are also contributions from Dionne Warwick, Martha Reeves, Roger Daltrey, Eric Burdon, and PP Arnold, all talking to Vicki Wickham about the era. Daltrey’s stuff is particularly interesting.
Anyway, it was on last week in two parts, but is on Listen Again for the next five days or so. Links to both parts below.
Eyewitness to History – Vicki Wickham’s 60s part one
Eyewitness to History – Vicki Wickham’s 60s part two