
Mod in Mexico article online

Photo by Kim Lostroscio
Photo by Kim Lostroscio
Note that I independently write and research everything in this article. But it may contain affiliate links.

Not one of our articles, this one is from San Diego City Beat, but well worth a read for an insight into the mod scene in Mexico.

This one focuses on the Tijuana mod scene and the monthly might, Tijuana a Go-Go, which is run by long-time mod Guy Hernandez, as well as highlighting how his son has fallen into the same thing, describing himself as ‘indie mod’.

Worth five minutes of your time, for sure.

Mod in Mexico article in San Diego City Beat

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  1. Nicolaugalves

    exist mod in curitiba – brazil too, if u want to know find and add me : carlos nicolau galves

  2. David Asencio

    I believe Mods were in Mexico during the sixties. There were many Mod bands and some soul bands as well. The Mexican Mods were not only in Mexico, but also in San Antonio, Texas. There many Northern soul classics out of San Antonio from the sixties. Suedeheads can be found in Mexico around the same time that they were in England.

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