Someone asked me about these a while back and it’s not something I’d considered writing about. So here are five mod-friendly tote bags.
Yes, tote bags. Cheap and reusable bags that are treated for carting around vinyl (if the size is right) or just great for carrying things around, either to work or for doing a quick shop on the way home from work in the post-plastic era.
Plenty to choose from, but if you want something with a touch of ‘mod’ about it, check out these five, which offered various levels of obviousness.
1. Trojan Records tote bag
Let’s start with a classic. A double-sided bag, with one side featuring the logo and the other the label name with logo built-in. £10 if you want one.
Find out more at the Trojan Records website
2. Mary Quant black tote bag at the V&A
You do know about the Mary Quant exhibition at the V&A? Of course, you do. We did a review of it some time back. Merchandise aplenty to go with it too.
The bag is a classic, capturing the cool of Quant’s brand, with its combination of block lettering and the iconic ‘daisy’ logo. An exclusive to the V&A, you can get one for £8.50. But note it has sold out in the past, so act now if you want one.
Find out more at the V&A website
3. Kent Records tote bag
Plenty of niche designs at Ace Records, but this one is a little more in the mainstream. If you have a love for classic soul, this cotton bag could be the design for you. £10 is the price.
Find out more at the Ace Records website
4. Mod Target tote bag by Tribal T-shirts
If cheap is what you are after, then check out the designs on Amazon from Tribal T-shirts. All are pretty obvious, but all have price on their side. Nothing quite as obvious as the target motif on the front here. Made of cotton, it sells for just £4.50.
Find out more at the Amazon website
5. 6T’s Rhythm ‘n’ Soul Society tote bag
Last, but not least, a tribute to the long-running 6T’s Rhythm ‘n’ Soul Society. If you can’t make it to the 100 Club for the all-nighters you can pretend you do with this design, which again is printed on a cotton bag. £10 is the price.
Find out more at the Ace Records website