Features On Screen

Quadrophenia film cinema screening in London

Quadrophenia screening
Quadrophenia screening
Note that I independently write and research everything in this article. But it may contain affiliate links.

If you happen to be in the area, you can take in a Quadrophenia film cinema screening in London next month.

This does pop up at cinemas now and again, but you are more likely to catch it on ITV4 late at night rather than at your local cineplex. Not that a large cinema is showing it now.

You can see it as part of the Ealing Music and Film Festival, with the film screened in association with the Classic Cinema Club Ealing. Yes, this is now a ‘classic’, celebrating 40 years since it was made. I bet makes you feel old.

The details you want are:
Friday 15th February
University of West London, Weston Hall
St Mary’s Road,
London W5 5RF

The programme starts at 7pm.

Quadrophenia screening
Quadrophenia screening

As for the film, well I don’t need to tell you what that’s about. the Who, mods, 1960s, boy meets girl, boy does Brighton, boy overdoes it etc etc. If you haven’t seen it, you can pick it up on Blu-ray for under a tenner and even less if you get the DVD. Or wait until the next late night showing.

For more details, check out the Ealing Music and Film Festival website.

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