Not much time to act, but there are some rare and classic mod magazines for sale on eBay right now.

All from the same seller, but two are significant here and rarely offered for sale. I’ll focus on those first.

The headline act (if you want to call it that) is the one at the top of the page. That’s Town Magazine from September 1962. This is the one that had the feature ‘Faces Without Shadows”’ on the original Mod scene.
Yes, the one with the Marc Bolan (Marc Feld) feature on the Stamford Hill Mods (which was the subject of an exhibition some years back). I have only seen one copy on eBay in the past, which perhaps tells you everything about rarity value here.
The one here is described as being in ‘mint’ condition and as such, will be in demand.
You can bid for the copy of Town Magazine on eBay here

Second on the list is The Sunday Times Colour Magazine from August 2nd 1964. Yes, the one with the ‘Changing Faces’ feature on the original Mod scene. Rare and collectable, it features now-iconic images plus interviews too.

Once again, the copy is described as being in ‘mint condition’ and is currently at a much lower price than Town. A possible bargain for someone.
You can bid for the copy of The Sunday Times magazine on eBay here

The other magazines are almost making up the numbers in comparison, but might well be of interest. Those are the New Mod Generation of Melody Maker from 1994, the Mods Ride Again issue of The Face and a copy of Paris Match with a feature on the original Mod scene from 1964. All currently very cheap with not a lot of time to go.

You can bid for all the magazines on eBay here and with just 15 hours to go as I type this, it might be worth doing it sooner rather than later.