Great to see these finally appear online. The Who’s 1967 commercials for Coca Cola.
Tag: advert
Watch it: Cadbury’s 1966 mod-themed advert for the Picnic bar
Now, this is amazing, a Cadbury’s Mod-themed advert from 1966. Yes, Mod was that big at the time.
Watch: Insurance company does a mod-themed advert
I was surprised by the reaction to this on the social networks. Personally, I cringed a little when I saw this mod-themed insurance advert, but others seem to like it.
Video: Paul Weller and Miles Kane for John Varvatos
I didn’t know much about John Varvatos until I went to New York and looked for CBGB – it’s now one of his stores. Anyway, now the label has pulled in Paul Weller and Miles Kane for a new ad campaign.
1960s Mod-themed Pirelli scooter tyres adverts
A few images from 1964, when these 1960s mod-themed Pirelli scooter tyres adverts ran in the magazines.
The classic Lucozade Mod advert
Remember this one? The classic Lucozade Mod advert, which is probably the best Mod advert anyone has even made.