On Screen

Cult Clip: A Whole Scene Going

Note that I independently write and research everything in this article. But it may contain affiliate links.

Here's something very cool to watch online – the pilot episode of 1960s show A Whole Scene Going, which originally aired in 1965.

Hosted by Barry Fantoni, this particular episode features fashion predictions for 1966, advice for young lovers from Lulu, a feature on the upcoming skateboard craze, Caroline Munro ('face of 1966'), footage of The Who, and an interview with Pete Townshend.

Well worth half an hour of your time.

Via Dangerous Minds

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  1. tony powell

    I was manager at the Witchdoctor when the WHO stuff was shot.A very hot night !!!

  2. Does anyone know where I can see the video? I’m interested because I was in the audience at the recording of the pilot with my girlfriend – now wife of 42 years!!

  3. Felipe Jelen

    This is the interview they did to Pete.
    I think the audience appears in the video.

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