
On sale: Uniqlo gingham button down shirts

Uniqlo gingham button down shirts
Uniqlo gingham button down shirts
Note that I independently write and research everything in this article. But it may contain affiliate links.

It’s a temporary offer, so if you want to top up on some cut-price button-downs at Uniqlo, you might want to get fairly sharpish.

A few colour options available, but as wardrobe staples go, you can’t go far wrong with the gingham button down shirts. A cotton shirt with gingham check, chest pocket, the button down collar and four colour choices. That about covers it.

At £14.90, you can’t go far wrong (unless you love a larger collar, obviously).

Find out more at the Uniqlo website

Uniqlo gingham button down shirts
Uniqlo gingham button down shirts
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