Books Sounds

Coast to Coast by Graham Marsh

Note that I independently write and research everything in this article. But it may contain affiliate links.


If the name is familiar, it’s perhaps from the Max and the Lost Note book or indeed, from the essential The Ivy Look book, both of which he authored. Well, staying on that 60s jazz/modernist tip, Graham Marsh has a new book on the market soon, specifically Coast to Coast Album Covers: Classic Record Art from New York to Los Angeles.

It looks at the album artwork of jazz releases during the 1950s and ’60s, specifically bringing together the labels that are perhaps overlooked in favour of Blue Note’s efforts. We’re talking the Prestige, Atlantic, Contemporary and Pacific and Riverside Labels, brought together for the first time,

The imagery, the typography, the graphics, the style and the colours, all the things that made this sleeve art so distinctive back then and indeed, today. 240 pages long, the book is ray for your coffee table on 3rd August 2011, discounted to £10.19 on eBay right now.

Find out more at the Amazon website

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