I saw this mentioned on The Guardian site, but thought the Mod Couples photographic project by Carlotta Cardana should really get a plug on here, Not least, because it is an ongoing project that you can be part of.
The title says it all really, with the photographer looking to capture mod couples across the spectrum. Hence the variety of different looks at play here. Never has the phrase ‘broad church’ been more apt. But that’s mod in 2013 for you, despite what anyone says.
As I said earlier, the photographic project is ongoing and Carlotta is keen to capture as many people as possible for it, so if you want to be part of Mod Couples (and the eventual photo exhibition), you should get in touch with the London-based photographer via her website. Especially if you think your ‘look’ isn’t represented (I know @monkeypicks is having his photo taken today!)
Check out some of the images below and see more at the Carlotta Cardana website.

Great set! The guys all the way at the top, are they at the Barbican?