It was a popular purchase last year, so doing a Detail Magazine 2024 Mod-themed calendar seems like a no-brainer.

Yes, time is moving thus fast. It seems like just a few weeks ago, I first mentioned the first of these calendars, a tie-in with the Mod-themed magazine of the same name and, like last year’s offering, a limited edition.

What’s it all about? Well, it’s an A4 landscape calendar based on the magazine itself. A full-colour calendar featuring artwork and photography taken from past issues of the magazine. Imagery, cover shots, that kind of thing. And plenty of room to scribble in important dates and appointments if you like to do that kind of thing.

As I said, it’s a limited edition, specifically covering 150 units. So if you want one, then perhaps don’t hang around too long, or you’ll miss out.
You can pre-order now, with shipping from November (not long off now) and with a price of £9.95.
Find out more at the Detail website