Also worth a look is the Hip Store Sale online, with discounts of up to 40 per cent off some good mod brands.
They have a few interesting things marked down (well around 700 actually) from the likes of Adidas, Baracuta, Clarks Originals, Fred Perry, Levi’s Gitman Vintage and more, with decent markdowns and some nice clobber getting this discounts.
That includes 40 per cent off the Fred Perry Reissues Made in England Harrington Jackets, down from £185 to £111, 30 per cent off Baracuta G9 Harrington Jackets, (down from £279 to £195.50), Clarks Originals Desert Boots down from £95 to £60 and the Armor Lux striped t-shirts, down from £35 to £20.
Basically, well worth your time.
Check it all out at the Hip Store website.