Stuck for something to listen to at work or at home? You should find something on the Jester Wild site. But note, you really have to play fair with this.
Essentially, this is a place for some of the mod scene’s finer DJs to upload mixes, with the sounds on offer covering the areas of R&B, soul, Latin, ska and popcorn, to name just some of the genres.
All you have to do is browse those DJs and playlists, stream your favourites or download whole sets if you want to listen offline. There are plenty to choose from, with archives going back a few years.
Now, here is the important bit.
Contrary to popular belief, the internet isn’t free – someone has to pick up the bill for the (probably hefty) hosting costs of a site like Jester Wild. That person is YOU. If you are streaming and downloading, please give something via the PayPal donate button on that site. It’s the least you can do.
You’ll find that button on the site, along with the mixes and some auctions of records for sale. That site can be found here.