If you are in the area, Stamford Hill Mods: The Genesis of Marc Bolan exhibition looks well worth checking out.
The exhibition is to celebrate 50 years, since the publication of Town magazine’s article, titled The Young Take The Wheel. Photos in the article (one of which is below) featured a 15-year-old Mark Feld (later Marc Bolan) and two older friends, Peter Sugar and Michael Simmonds.
Bolan was from the area, with the exhibition looking at the ’60s mod scene in the Stamford Hill area, using original photographs, clothing, a 1962 Eddy Grimstead GS Vespa and featuring guest speakers from the era. An appeal was put out a while back for anything relating to the original mod scene and the area. Sounds like they had a good response.
There isn’t a great deal online about it for further details, but we do know that it kicks off from November 7th, 2012 for a month, with entry free. But don’t go on the first night as that’s guestlist only. Once that is out of the way, you can go anytime in the month following.
The address is Hackney Museum, Mare Street, London E9 (next to the town hall). If you need to know more, probably best to contact Hackney Museum directly.

Thanks to Brad for the tip off.